Oct 15

Ludovico Einaudi’s In A Time Lapse

Ludovico Einaudi - In A Time Lapse

This was over a year ago now, in July 2014, during our visit to Barcelona. Ludovico Einaudi happened to be performing at Teatre Grec, as part of his In A Time Lapse tour. We got to enjoy the music in the cool open air, under the stars and moon-lit sky. It was an unforgettable experience.

I have been listening to his new Elements album, released just over a week ago. Bellissimo!

Dec 13

The RED Tour tickets have arrived!

My Taylor Swift’s RED Tour tickets for London 2014 have finally arrived a few days ago in the post.

Nov 12

Safe and Sound

I’m a huge fan of Taylor Swift. However, for Safe and Sound, I much prefer the cover version by Tiffany Alvord and Megan Nicole.

Aug 12

The Piano Sings

In the past couple of years, I’ve developed a love for piano pieces. There are currently three pianist whom I like—Yiruma, Michael Nyman, and Ludovico Einaudi. I learnt of Yiruma from Twilight, Michael Nyman from 9 Songs, and Ludovico Einaudi from The Mountain time-lapse video by TSOPhotography.

I’ve recently purchased The Piano Sings album by Michael Nyman off iTunes. It was released back in 2005. My two favourite pieces on it are Debbie, and The Heart Asks Pleasure First.

If you’ve never heard of Yiruma, I’d suggest you listen to River Flows In You, and Kiss The Rain. As for Ludovico Einaudi, have a listen to Nuvole Bianche, and Ancora.

May 12

SingStar has spoken

I should keep my day job. Randy would probably say I was pitchy, amongst other things.

I’ve always thought I would have done better than I did. This could possibly be explained the same way as why your recorded voice sounds strange. How you hear yourself is not how others hear you. The sound waves transmitted through the air sound different than the sound waves that travel through your bones. This is probably also the same reason why others can’t hear me at times, even when I sound perfectly fine to myself. Feels to me like the world is hearing a low-fidelity version of me. Understanding this difference could just be what is needed to address those voice issues.

Dec 11

Michael Bublé Christmas

Christmas is only three sleeps away. I bought Michael Bublé Christmas album off iTunes the other day; completely unaware that my girlfriend had bought me the exact same CD for my Christmas present as well. There’s nothing better than music to set the festive mood. His voice is just perfect for Christmas songs. I love the album.

There’s something magical about this time of year. Unfortunately, most of my family won’t be around this year. But hopefully, I should be able to spend Christmas evening with the most important person in my life right now.

feliz navidad, próspero año y felicidad!