Jul 16

Healthier choices

I still find it surprising how a small, seemingly insignificant event, would end up having quite a profound impact on my life. About seven months ago, having not visited a dentist for several years, I went for a general check up. The news was not good. I had a tooth decay, and early signs of periodontitis. Periodontitis is a gum disease, which causes irreversible loss of the bones supporting the teeth. If left untreated, it could result in tooth loss. The advice was simple. Tooth decay is the result of poor diet, and periodontitis is the result of poor oral care. Tooth decay can be avoided by consuming less sugary and acidic food, and not snacking too much between meals. Periodontitis can be stopped by proper brushing and flossing. He caveated that unless you floss everyday, it is as good as not doing it.

I have tried flossing on several occasions before, but it was too much effort. Nevertheless, faced with the possibility of my nightmares of crumbling teeth becoming a reality, I decided to give it a good go. The first night, it took me quite literally a bloody hour trying to work out how to use an interdental brush, and to floss thoroughly. I persevered with it the next night, then the following night, and the night after. The days soon turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. It is an almost effortless habit now. Admittedly, I have missed a day here and there, but my gums feel much healthier than before. I believe that having the right tools for the job helped a lot. The dentist recommended the TePe Angled Interdental brushes, and Oral-B Glide floss picks, which I am still using today.

Following the advice given, I have also cut down on snacking, and sugary food. I let the credit on my access card run out, so that I can no longer buy snacks from the vending machines at work. I am making a conscious effort to cut down on chocolate. When dining out, I sometimes opt for still water instead of the fizzy drinks that I normally go for.

Having established a good oral care habit and diet, I am now focusing on a different part of my life. I have just started a program created by the Nike+ Running app, with the goal of running 10K in 8 weeks. In addition to that, I am taking on the 7 Minutes for 7 Months Workout Challenge, guided by the 7 Minute Workout app by Perigee AB. Go me!